Ban #3435 - HelloMiners

Ban #3435Inactive

Banned PlayerSpiderPig2323
Banned ByLordMilco
Ban ReasonReached 4 warnings:
- Warned by LordRomias: 'continuing to harass players about his zones and not taking no when he doesn't like what he hears. also ignoring mods advice to stop doing it time and time again. now breaking common sense rules.'
- Warned by LordRomias: 'for using friends to continue to harass players'
- Warned by LordRomias: 'asking for and having an inappopriate region name 'fortniteisgay' which is homophobic as it demeans a sexuality. staffmember who assisted in this will be investigated too.'
- Warned by LordRomias: 'final warning for forum behaviour'
Ban PlacedJuly 17, 2019, 10:10
ExpiresJuly 18, 2019, 10:10 (Unbanned by LordMilco)